A Hymn for Israel
Oct 09, 2023
With a heavy heart, I encourage you to pray for Israel. This weekend's attack occurred fifty years to the day from the Yom Kippur War of 1973 and is a reminder of the door that's ever opening wider for the Antichrist to come in offering false peace.
There is much to pray for as thousands of rockets have been fired by Hamas, hundreds of Israelis have been killed and scores have been abducted.
But the best place to start our prayers is to follow the instruction from Psalm 122:6 and pray specifically for peace.
Remember, that God’s eternal purpose is to bless the world through Israel and He does have a plan.
The below hymn is a paraphrase of Psalm 122 and is fitting for such a time as this.
From the Psalter, 1912
W. Boyce
With joy I heard my friends exclaim,
“Come, let us in God’s temple meet";
Within thy gates, O Zion blest,
Shall ever stand our willing feet!
How beautiful doth Zion stand,
A city built compact and fair;
The people of the Lord unite
With joy and praise to worship there.
They come to learn the will of God,
To pay their vows, God's grace to own,
For there is judgment’s royal seat,
Messiah’s sure and lasting throne.
For Zion’s peace let prayer be made;
May all that love thee prosper well!
Within thy walls let peace abide,
And gladness with thy children dwell.
For sake of friends and kindred dear,
My heart’s desire is Zion’s peace,
And for the house of God, the Lord,
My loving care shall never cease.
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